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shallow level中文是什么意思

用"shallow level"造句"shallow level"怎么读"shallow level" in a sentence


  • 浅能级


  • The second stage is shallow level of study of chinese by research - like means , student will be required to question and compare problems in large volumes , change view - po int to form questions or subjects and carry out research , summarize research results in the form of article
    第二阶段是浅层次语文研究性学习阶段,是通过经常质疑,大量比较,视角转换的方式形成问题或专题进行研究,并以作文的形式总结研究成果。这一阶段的学习是为进行更深一层的研究? ?课题研究奠定基础。
用"shallow level"造句  


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